Equestrian Vaulting USA

Start a Vaulting Program

Start a Vaulting Program

Photo courtesy Jaynee Meyer

How to Form a Vaulting Club

Starting a club provides your vaulters a system of support and a shared focus. Clubs can be started with a specific goal in mind or to bring the sport to a new area. It takes only one or two motivated parents or coaches to start a vaulting club, and it’s never too early to do it! If you have interested vaulters, they will excel together.

Join Equestrian Vaulting USA

As an EVUSA member, you’ll have access to the members-only section of the website, filled with information. EVUSA can also connect you with a mentor if you don’t already know one nearby. Mentors can answer questions, fill in as coaches, help you sign up for competitions, and support you as you get started.

EVUSA's Introduction to Equestrian Vaulting

Everything you need to know about EVUSA including Frequently Asked Questions.

Determine Club Goals

Determining what goals you have in common is a great way to choose a club focus. Do members want to vault recreationally? Compete locally? Compete nationally and internationally? Decide together on your budget, including whether members will split expenses evenly or whether the coach or organizer will run the club as a business and charge vaulters individually. Finally,  set a schedule to plan when vaulters will meet for barrel classes, stretch classes and classes on the horse. These can happen all in one day or be spread throughout the week.

Pacific Coast Vaulters (photo courtesy Jerry Yang)

Choose a Coach and Lunger

Beginning coaches can be former vaulters, equestrians in other disciplines and even parents, as long as they are dedicated to learning the craft and teaching it safely. Lungers can also be parents and equestrians from other sports; they should be knowledgeable about horse welfare and able to handle a horse safely. It’s also helpful to have spotters and assistant coaches.

Gather Your Equipment

Part of the benefit of beginning a club is sharing the work, the expense, the equipment, and even the horses. Most equipment can be purchased used in Facebook marketplace or from other local clubs. Contact EVUSA to be connected to retailers for new and used equipment.

Train Your Vaulting Horse

A quiet, confident vaulting horse is your club’s biggest asset, and it is difficult for your members to progress without one.

EVUSA Educational Symposium

Your vaulters, lungers and coaches will be able to train with some of the best in the world.

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